Tag: economic development
Remote Working
We are supporting a social enterprise equipping people to work from anywhere.
High Streets
We are evaluating a programme that aims to make high streets more vibrant places.
Town Innovation
We worked with a Local Authority to collate best practice on town centres.
Industry Science Partnerships
We delivered a series of workshops to help the UK fishing and seafood industry access new funding.
Future Land Use
In June 2021, the National Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs (NFYFC) launched a survey, ‘Future Land Use’. Funded by Defra and led by the NFYFC and Rose Regeneration, the survey provided young people living and working in rural areas, next generation farmers and land managers with an opportunity to share their views on the future…
Levelling Up
We have produced an economic baseline to support a Council make a business case for funding.
Local Infrastructure
We have worked with three Local Authorities to help them prepare their Levelling Up bids.