Category: Reports
Day of the Region
Ivan Annibal recently took part in the panel discussion for the Day of the Region Celebration Event, video can of which can be viewed here. There is also a survey related to the LEADER Day of the Region Programme which can be filled out here.
Connected Coast Town Fund
The Connected Coast Town Fund have been submitted to the government, the proposal for Maplethorpe can be downloaded here, and the proposal for Skegness here.
Rural Youth
The research, a Defra-supported NFYFC project in collaboration with Rose Regeneration, was released ahead of National Young Farmers’ Week 2020 to reveal how rural young people feel about their future post-Brexit amid the Covid-19 pandemic. This report contains a summary of the key findings. Ivan Annibal participated in a Farmers Guardian podcast to discuss the…
Older Veterans
The Combined Cornwall & Plymouth Veteran Support Project provided a wide range of support to older veterans, their carers and family members in Plymouth, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. Delivered by Cornwall Rural Community Charity (CRCC), Active Plus and Improving Lives; between April 2017 and March 2020 the project helped 1,583 people…
Restoration and Recovery, Key Considerations Arising from the Impact of the Coronavirus on Businesses in East Lindsey District
This is our report on the key considerations arising from the impact of coronavirus on businesses in East Lindsey.
Review of the Cornwall Good Seafood Guide
This is the latest report for the Cornwall Good Seafood Guide.
Talking Social Value with Social Value UK
In this video, Ivan Annibal talks Social Value with Catherine Manning from Social Value UK.
The Impact of the Coronavirus on the Activities and Capacity of the Voluntary and Community Sector in Health and Care in Lincolnshire
This fast moving survey reveals the deep and potentially worsening impact the coronavirus is having on VCS organisations in Lincolnshire. It also has some very positive suggestions for the way forward. Many of the findings will be similar to experiences in other rural settings across the UK.
Inspiring Bosworth Programme
This report reviews the impact of the Inspiring Bosworth Programme. The HLF funded initiative, developed by Leicestershire Promotions is all about engaging the communities surrounding the site of the Battle of Bosworth with its story. This was a real pleasure to work on as a project and introduced us to the fascinating concept…
Sensory Library
This mobile project provides children, young people and adults with learning disabilities, learning difficulties and other health conditions with access to sensory resources and facilities. This report explores how the project’s core work is delivered, how much it costs, and the outcomes it is achieving.