Author: Jessica Sellick
Technical Skills
We are supporting a HE provider and a group of employers to create a new digital learning platform.
Shared Prosperity
We have supported several Local Authorities to develop their Investment Plans for UKSPF.
Evidencing Change
We are supporting a charity to develop a common approach to monitoring and evaluation.
Levelling Local
Ivan Annibal shared his 30-years of experience working with local authorities, civil society and businesses to enable people and their places to interpret, measure and communicate their social impact, the video can be viewed here.
APPG Rural Health and Care
The three- year investigation undertaken by the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Rural Health and Care and the National Centre for Rural Health and Care is one of the most extensive of its kind. Chaired by Anne Marie Morris, MP, the Inquiry was set up just prior to the COVID pandemic to identify and ultimately…
Industry Science Partnerships
We delivered a series of workshops to help the UK fishing and seafood industry access new funding.
COVID Recovery Programme
We are evaluating a project that is supporting people affected by the pandemic to get into work.
Future Land Use
In June 2021, the National Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs (NFYFC) launched a survey, ‘Future Land Use’. Funded by Defra and led by the NFYFC and Rose Regeneration, the survey provided young people living and working in rural areas, next generation farmers and land managers with an opportunity to share their views on the future…
Land Use Futures
Young people have shared their views on future land use and food production with us.
Levelling Up
We have produced an economic baseline to support a Council make a business case for funding.