Author: Jessica Sellick
Video of our latest social value seminar
Please click this link to watch a video of our latest social value seminar.
High Streets
We are evaluating a programme that aims to make high streets more vibrant places.
Lifeline service
We reviewed a scheme supporting older people to live independently in their own homes.
Parental conflict
We are supporting a project that aims to help parents manage relationship difficulties.
Ivan Annibal quoted in article on rural health in The Independent
The key points we make in this article are about how distance from services impacts vulnerable people in rural areas, and our mantra is no one should be disadvantaged by where they live.
Routes to Success
This research project provided young people with an opportunity to share their views on agricultural policy and to help guide future training opportunities. This is the third community-wide survey Rose Regeneration has worked on with The National Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs (NFYFC). The findings highlight continued anxiety around the future of farming, and a…
Greater Lincolnshire MOVE
Over the last 7-years Rose Regeneration has been evaluating a Building Better Opportunities (BBO) funded project called ‘MOVE’ (Moving On into Volunteering and Employment). This report contains the key findings of our longitudinal work. It highlights the impact and outcomes MOVE has had on beneficiaries, and the learning that can be taken into future employability…
Warm Hubs in Winter
Between October 2022 and April 2023 we evaluated the ‘Warm Hubs in Winter’ project in East and South Cambridgeshire. This report captures the learning and experiences of this pilot project. It highlights the benefits of a place-based and hyper-local approach to improving people’s health and wellbeing.